What is needed to overcome the iducational problem inside AlQuds, first of all, a clear database where all needs and shortcomings of the system are listed, in terms of shortage of teachers, denied permits, shortage of classrooms, subsidies, but also other issues like safety standards.
Secondly, there is a need to concentrate the investments in the education sector for the next couple of years in the most problematic areas, which makes Jerusalem. An additional area of concern is the safety of the students.
This includes not only the safety standards at school, like the regulation of the electricity and proper sanitation but also the security of the children on their way to and back from school. Currently, 80% of the students and teachers have difficulties in reaching their schools.
In view of the political situation and the many security incidents that have occurred in the old city of Jerusalem, this is definitely an issue to keep in mind. Furthermore, the fragmentation of the educational system should be diminished.
To overcome these issues and together look for a solution for the future, a working group from Ummet Waqf in Jerusalem has been erected, and all the effort from the interested international donors.
If all stakeholders work together and gather their forces, there is a chance our students in our city Alquds will be able, in a couple of years, to safely return to a renewed school and universities with a customized curriculum taught by enthusiastic teachers.
Due to educational restrictions and reduced attempts to build schools, as well as increasing taxes and bills on Jerusalemites, many families withdraw their children from school because they cannot afford the premiums, or children avoid school and go to the labor market. Because of the difficult economic conditions in which they live, they thought they could help their parents.
Help us save the Jerusalem education sector and make the education process successful so that it plays its role in raising a generation that preserves its land and maintains its identity by supporting the four pillars of education: the student, the teacher, the school, and the curriculum.
This project has potential and impacts fully the mainstreaming of students of al-Quds and orphan children. Their basic needs are met and they will get new life through gaining knowledge, vocational skills, and life skills. They will get love and affection and their confidence level will increase and become good assets to the community.
They are developed physically and psychologically and made as good and productive citizens. They will inspire by philanthropy and show humanity towards the community.
The dropout rate of students in Jerusalem reached 43% and this has only been increasing.
Education is a strategic sector and an essential pillar in society, because of its direct correlation to the socioeconomic growth and prosperity of society.
Contribute and support Ummet Waqf in its transfer of the Jerusalem culture to raise a generation that preserves its land and identity by supporting the educational sector in its four pillars: